Say Hello to Sally (Pink Baby) and Amelia (Plaid Baby) Suchanek
This is the beautiful (and LOUD) Amelia Suchanek
And this is her beautiful sister, Sally Suchanek
This is Amelia with me on the bus - she is thrilled to be my daughter! (I don't know why I am pinching my nose - I must have had a lot of snot or something)
This is me feeding Sally
And finally, this is us with both of the beautiful little girls (Kim has Sally/Pink Baby)!!!!
Kim may write a bit later about how we came up with the names, but we decided on Sally and Amelia after considering a few other options. Amelia LOVES to cry, and Sally likes to cry only slightly less.
They are amazing and beautiful and I have already made numerous parenting mistakes. I don't know the lyrics to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" - my version says "Go to sleep and please don't cry So I can have a diet coke Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Stay away from boys until you're 25"
Not exactly the right lyrics, but it sounds the same to them.
I was going to post some video but maybe later. For now, please enjoy a photo of Kim trying to get Amelia to sleep and Amelia deciding that this is not something that is likely to happen (but they are bonding!)