Thursday, June 21, 2007

More Random Photos (and a Few Videos)

Today was very hectic and I haven't had a chance to think up more hilarious anecdotes. However, I did take a drive into the countryside today, and I saw numerous rice paddies and water buffalo, and my driver fell asleep no fewer (and I am totally and completely serious) than 50 times. One time I had to kick the back of the seat.

Another time he fell asleep while braking and the car (a manual transmission) actually came to a complete stop in the middle of the expressway. The translator was not particularly worried, and when I asked "Do you think he could use a nap or maybe some coffee?" her explanation was "No, he is just very tired when he drives long distances."

Well, in that case it is perfectly OK for him to fall asleep while driving 100 kilometers per hour. As I said yesterday, my Mother would have had a coronary. But the water buffalo were cool.

We are off to Guangzhou tomorrow to get U.S. consulate certification to bring the girlies into the country. By the way, Amelia cries less often than before and they are wonderful and beautiful and we are as happy as can be.

OK, now some photos and video.

Photos of the Happy Family

Kim giving Sally her first bath!

Video of Noodles Suchanek

Mike Kissing Amelia

Trying to Feed the Girls

The Galactic Peace International Hotel (with Dude on Moped)!!!