Photos and Videos from Guangzhou
On Friday we flew from Nanchang to Guangzhou. The U.S. Consulate is in Guangzhou and this is our last stop before we fly home with the girlies. We are staying at the White Swan Hotel, which is very famous and terrific - essentially anyone who has ever adopted a Chinese baby has stayed here before traveling home, and the place is crawling with dorky Americans (and a few Europeans) wandering about with Chinese babies.
The hotel is amazing and Guangzhou is very cool. It used to be known as Canton (like in Texas where they have the Tradin' Days, only with Chinese people). Guangzhou used to be a British Colony and so it is more Western than Nanchang.
This morning a guy came up to me and said "Can I walk with you and practice my English?" We then had a conversation about basketball (he calls himself James because he is a big LeBron James fan) and I didn't have the heart to tell him that I really hate basketball. He didn't know anything about the St. Louis Cardinals or the glorious Kansas City Chiefs, so we talked about LeBron and Shaquille. He was very nice and his English was excellent.
In my quite limited experience I have found that the Chinese people I met are very interested and fascinated with the U.S. Of course I have only chatted with maybe a few dozen Chinese people here and there 1.3 Billion people in China, so I would need to speak with a few more before I could say for certain whether I am correct. But I am going to generalize and say that they like Americans.
Anyway, the girlies are napping (Woo Hoo!!!) and Kim and Jenny have gone to get pedicures or get their hair frosted or something, so I am taking this opportunity to post a few pictures, drink a clean, crisp cold Budweiser, and relax my aching shoulder.
By the way, thank you to everyone who has emailed us to tell us that you are following our journey here. We haven't really responded to the emails but they have been terrific and we appreciate the thoughts. Now, please go to Orbitz or Expedia or whatever and check into airfares - we need people to come to New York and help us with these kids. No way can we handle this on our own once Jenny is gone.
There really isn't much more happening here over the next few days until we get the final approval from the U.S. consulate. I will try to post more photos and videos between now and Wednesday when we fly home!
Thanks and junk.
And now, some photos:
Good Advice!
Amelia on Her First Plane Ride
Another of Amelia on the Plane
Close-up Video of Amelia
Jenny with Both Girls
Amelia on the Bed at the White Swan Hotel
Me Trying to Teach Sally How to Make Fart Noises
And now, please enjoy this photo of a Water Buffalo