Friday, June 15, 2007

First Few Days in Beijing

We have been in Beijing for two days and are having a great time. Beijing is chaotic and crowded and quite fantastic. Our hotel is great and we have adjusted to the time change pretty well.

The first night we went out searching for dinner. We couldn't decide between the following:

Or this:
(if you can't see this very well, please click on the photo because it's very funny and my joke in the next paragraph won't make as much sense unless you can see the picture)
Or this:

I mean sure - who doesn't love deep-fried hump meat and duck intestines. And I came all the way to China to eat at the Sizzler. But of course, live scorpions on a stick are my favorite. I really couldn't make up my mind.

Eventually, we on settled on Peking Duck. This restaurant is the most famous in the world for Peking Duck and it was a very good meal. This i
s Kim with the dude that cuts up the duck carcass:
Yesterday we went to the Temple of Heaven, Tian'an Men Square, and the Forbidden City. Kim and I took a rickshaw tour of the Hutong area,where we sat in some dude's house and learned about Chinese cricket fighting. More details and photos to follow.

And we have decided on names but we ar
en't telling anyone until we post it here after we meet the TWINS!!

Please enjoy this photo of Kim.