Saturday, November 03, 2007

My Sister D;as;dlkjf Came to Meet the Girlies

Kim's sister Pam was getting married in mid-September, which meant we had to figure out how to fly home with the girlies. We had also been trying to get my sister Dl;a;sljf to come out for a while and couldn't work out the details - she was busy at home, vacuuming and getting situated and getting pregnant all the time and stuff, so we couldn't find the right time.

Kim wanted to go to St. Louis a few days early so that she could show off our beautiful daughters, but I had to go to Canada to try to sell a bank some stupid software (and also to see some moose). So we scammed, er uh convinced D;a;slkdj to come to NY for the weekend and then fly home with Kim and the girlies. It was a masterful plan, especially in that D;;alskjdf doesn't even live in St. Louis. She flew to NY from KC, spent a few days here, and then flew to St. Louis, and then had to drive home 5 hours with Judy (my 'Mom') and Don. That was very nice, especially because she was supposed to be home that week making Apple Butter for the school carnival bake sale.

So anyway, my sister D;a;lskjdf came to NY in mid-September - below are some photos and stuff (for some reason we didn't take any videos while D;a;slkdjf was here - sorry).

The girlies standing by the A/C - at this point they were getting very good at standing and junk

D;;laskdjf in the park with Amelia and Sally

D;as;ldkjf getting ready for a morning snack (Sally says 'nana' which means 'banana' - it's quite cute)

D;a;lskjdf with Sally in Sheep's Meadow in the park

The girlies at the airport - we bought these cool contraptions (in the old days they would have called them 'doo-hickies') that attach Rollerblade wheels to the carseat, which makes traveling MUCH easier, although I wouldn't know because I was in Toronto and D;;alskjdf had to help Kim get the girlies on the plane.