First Day Ever in the Pool
Today was sort of a waiting day with nothing official, which is good because it meant that we got to wander about on our own schedules. We went to Starbucks (YUCK), walked down a few side streets, did a little shopping (the food in Jiangxi is quite spicy, so whenever a Chinese person finds out the girls are from that province, they say "Ah, spicy girl" - it's quite funny), and best of all, went swimming with the girls.
I know that I will probably have many times with these girls where I say "This is my happiest moment ever", but taking Amelia and Sally swimming for their first time ever is, at least for right now, at the top of the list.
Amelia has not been particularly thrilled with the bath situation, which of course makes me think she might be part French (rim shot). But hilarity aside, she just hates getting in the bathtub, so we weren't optimistic aboot (as the Canadians say) her enjoying the pool.
It turns out that we were wrong - she loooooved it (should that be spelled 'loooooved', or 'lovvvvvved', or 'loooovvved'? I just don't know). She went right in with me and was as happy as ever. She even made motorboat sounds in the water (with her mouth, thankfully). I swam with Amelia, and then with Sally, and then with both. Sally put her face right in the water and blew out her nose (she's a natural!).
Swimming with the girlies was just terrific and while in the pool I says to myself, "Self," I says, "You may live another 100 years but you will probably never be able to do anything better than what you are doing right this second." So I got that going for me. Which is nice.
Here are a few more photos and videos from today:
The Only Toys They Will Play With - A Water Bottle and A Packet of Huggies
engage in some flash photography (Isn't she cute??)
Me with Both Beautiful Girlies (and a big goofy grin and about six chins)
Sally and Amelia Having the Best Time Ever!!